
Living is about to get a whole lot less convenient; it has too. 

They say there’s no time like the present, and typically that’s true. In the past, each generation has superseded the last, living longer, easier existences. Though, as we lurch closer to climate catastrophe, you’ll realise convenience will be the cost if we’re to balance the books.

We drive because cars take us directly to our destination, while buses require some walking. Driving guarantees you a seat. More likely, you’ve got some going spare. Meanwhile, your car’s climate control will ensure you’re comfortable inside while heating the earth. It’s as ironic as it is unsustainable. 

You may think electric is the answer, but all my batteries are dead or dying. A battery operates on borrowed time. Personally, I prefer something a little more permanent.

While wires won’t solve our public transport problems, I’ve learnt to love their mischievous presence. I can’t help but crack a wry smile when I start my workday by untangling my mouse from my laptop’s charger. Treat it as your morning brain teaser, a test to keep you young.

Wires are the inconvenient choice, but I’ve embraced a tangled existence.



