Hair Care

Regardless of the way you style it, hair rarely stays how you’d like it for long.

There was a time when I could hardly keep my hands out of mine, repetitively repositioning stray strands that had fallen out of line. Despite saying goodbye to some, my hair remains unrelentingly needy. Yours probably is, too.

For that reason, idolising hair icons is instinctive. We envy others, hoping to emulate or contort our strands to match their masterpieces because we haven’t experienced the misery of maintaining their hair. Even once we’re satisfied with the results, it only takes a gust of wind to humbly remind you that your hard work is little more than a temporary adjustment.

That is unless you remove it, right? Well, not quite. Shaving my head is at least a weekly occurrence, twice a week if I want to keep it cropped as closely as I can. Body hair is the same; it just keeps coming back. Despite the awkwardness, inconvenience, and irritation, we continue to fight it on all frontiers. It’s akin to taking out the bins. You don’t want to suffer the shame of inviting someone over and having to explain why it’s not well-maintained.

The thing is, hair is similar to life. You might achieve perfection for a moment, but maintaining it is an unenviable task that’ll leave you questioning your sanity.




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